Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"Always first draw fresh breath after outbursts of vanity and complacency."

Charming but beat-up little antique vanity with mirror.  Fair to say she had some issues.  (And I still had leaves to rake.)

You know how sellers will use the term 'primitive' as a selling point but in point of fact translates to Has Been Treated Like Dogsh*t?   Mmm hmm:

Originally I didn't envision doing anything but painting the top; even after I sanded it the wood looked horrid [photo below].  Speaking of sanding, while doing so I could smell decades of old makeup powder being ground into particulate matter and released (into my nostrils).

All sides had the same problematic veneer issue:

After stripping off the loose stuff and adding lots and lots of wood filler:

The perimeter veneer around the top drawers wasn't worth saving, so I pulled it all off:

[drumroll]  Results:

I ended up staining the top and adding a light application of paint...

A little ombre action on the bottom drawers:

The mirror.  Not well-made.  One of those times when you're working on something thinking, "Not worth it.  No one will want it.  Time I'll never get back," but on the outside chance someone does, you finish it.  The outer two pieces of glass needed to be re-adhesived, and on one outer section the epoxy behind the glass is faintly present.  I'm telling potential buyers it won't hurt my feelings if they don't want the mirror.

Owing to sub-par light and photography skills, it's hard to see that all sides (exterior, interior pillars) were hand-brushed to a chalkboard finish look (trust me, kids, better in person).

1 comment:

  1. wow- that was a lot of work, but it paid off! love the colors! and hope you sanded all that smell out of it! ;)
